Standard Features
- Manufactured from specially compounded
polyethylene plastic
- Easy to repair, UV resistant, designed for
years of care free use
- 3-year warranty on hull
- Length 10 ft. 3 in.(312 cm)
- Width: 30 in. (76 cm)
- Weight : 44lbs. (20 kg)
- *Weight capacity: 275 - 325 lbs. (125 - 147 kg)
*Depending on water conditions
Special features:
- Beverage Holder - Molded in dual size beverage holder located conveniently in front of the seat.
- Handles - Comfortable, secure luggage handles make carrying a breeze.
- Paddle Keeper - Paddle keeper and ledge allows quick and efficient hands free option .
- Seat - Contoured adjustable molded seat back folds down for easy transport and storage.
- Foot braces - New “no bite” molded in foot braces means you only have to worry about the bugs.
- Hatch - Large how hatch gives you all the storage you need for those weekend escapes.